
Taking The Last Step

Just now I felt a strike of regret and envy seeing some of my friends graduating and some of them just passed their final exam. I know this is silly because I'm not left behind, there are still a lot of my friend who haven't even finish their thesis yet. Maybe I'm just feeling guilty for a little bit delaying my thesis, or maybe because my competitive self can not contain that I'm not the only person who can finish fast. I guess it's the combination of those two. 

I might used the word unmotivated as a justification of me delaying the thesis, but it is true. I was so stuck of doing nothing other than looking for references and revising sentences and on top of that, I had to do it all alone in my tiny studio apartment with minimal entertainment and no friends I could go hang out with since all my friends were back to their hometown. I know I should have been a little bit stronger.

So, I'll take the last step now. I'll see you in the beginning of my next journey.

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