
Baby Proof

I just finished reading this book recently. Another interesting piece by Emily Giffin whose novels I really enjoy and love to read. I don't know about others but her novels are not always chic-lit kinda novels and that one of the reasons I love her novel. 

Actually it's been awhile since the last time I read books or novels for that matter. It's kinda sad though since I really love to read and I used to read many novels in a short period of time. So, if I want to start over with my reading habit I think I need to start with some easy novels. This novel is light even though it gets boring at some point but not too boring that makes me immediately throw it over and get back to browse the internet. 

Well, I'm not really great with reviews since I tend to spoil the end hehe but I can say this novel is quite a page-turner. It's about a couple who used to share the same view about having kids; they don't want any. But in the middle of their marriage all of a sudden the husband desires to have kids and it makes them drift apart since the wife has this strong principle that she will never want to have kids. 

The reason why I like this novel is probably because that I can relate to the story. No, not that I have the same problem (I'm not even married yet, duh) but because I used to have the same mind set with the wife, that I want to pursue career and live my life to the fullest without burdened by the obligation to take care, nurture, and educate my child(ren). But you know, nothing set in stone. I'm not sure yet where on my stand on this issue now, but this guy really makes me considering to have at least one with him (Hi, baby if you read this, yes I love you that much.)

So, if you want to read a light novel on your leisure time you might wanna check this one. 

Laters, loveliest!

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