
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

I'm not a big fan of Ben Stiller. I know many people refer him as a funny man, but frankly it's hard for me to see him that way. Not that I don't think he's funny, well, he is funny but not my laughing-my-ass-off kinda funny, maybe because I haven't seen him in 40 Year Old Virgin which people said is verrrry funny. Yeah. So when I heard that Ben Stiller is making a non-comedy movie I got curious to watch it and it was actually worth to sacrifice my napping time :p

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a movie about a man named Walter Mitty (duh!) who works in a magazine that soon will be discontinued and replaced by its online version. He is a very awkward man who likes to daydream about stuffs he is too coward to do in real life like mocking the boss he hates, talk to the woman he likes, etc. To avoid giving you spoiler I'm just gonna list the things I like and dislike from this movie. 

First of all I love the cinematography, I'm not an expert at it but I can tell it's good especially with all those scene in Greenland, Iceland, and Afghan, so breathtaking makes me wanna pack my backpack and go hiking (yeah right). I also admire the message of this movie, as you can see in the tagline, "Stop Dreaming, Start Living." I can even use it as my motto :"> And last but not least, Ben Stiller acting is jaw dropping, I don't see most of his movies but based on this one I can say he's a great actor. One thing I don't like is that I find that the background story is not too strong, like what's with his mother piano, what's his and his mother's relationship with Sean Penn (forgot his character's name, sorry), but maybe it's just me didn't pay attention. I'd give 3.5 stars for the fact that I don't fall asleep during all this confusion (or maybe it's because I was confused?) and for all the beautiful scenery of Iceland and Afghan. 

Have you seen it? Let me know what's your opinion :)

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