
A New Chapter

Hi, it's been awhile since my last post. Well, I'd been busy preparing for thesis defense and final comprehensive exam these past few weeks, but now I'm back with a good news: I'm officially unemployed, or in another words, I finally got my bachelor degree YAYY! Of course I wouldn't have made it without the love and support of the people around me, especially my boyfriend, even tho we had some hard time along the way but you were and are the one that keep me motivated :)

I shouldn't be happy so soon tho, because graduating means beginning a whole new chapter of my life and from what I heard this will be one hell of a chapter. You'd think you'll be free like a bird the minute they announced that you have passed the exam but no. It's not even about job seeking yet, for these past days I've been busy with all the graduation ceremony requirements. You know Indonesia, it's all about the strict bureaucracy and a huge pile of paperworks. And after the graduation, the question of "What's next?" will haunt you. So no, no time to catch a breath, welcome to adulthood *sigh*

The silver lining is I will get a month break before all the craziness begin, because baby is going home woohoo :) Can't hardly wait to reunite and hang out with him again, it's been quite awhile.

Well, hopefully I won't be unemployed for too long. Good luck to you too, lovelies! :)

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